About me

About me
🌿 I've been gardening ever since a child, when I spent time with my father in his vegetable garden. But my fascination with Echeverias started in the 1980's, when my father gave me a pot with five Echeverias, which turned out to be E. imbricata. At first I wasn't much interested in them and planted them in some obscure corner of the garden and completely forgot about them. How great was my surprise when, a couple of months later, I noticed that they had spread and made a beautiful display - I was hooked!

Friday, 16 February 2024

Aloe vera splendour

I’m a succulent-lover 

As Winter slowly approaches (Autumn is definitely in the early-morning air and leaves are also slowly starting to flutter down), the Aloes will now start flowering all over the world, even during summer in Europe and the USA. Their internal clock is set to ‘Winter South Africa’, which is actually from May to July, but this Aloe vera has decided that it’s cool enough in the mornings to start wearing her Winter finery. 


Most Aloes are indigenous to South Africa and I do think that Aloe vera, well-known for its medicinal properties, is one of the better-known of all Aloe species. 


Friday, 16 June 2023

Fairy Crassula

My Crassula multicava (Fairy Crassula) is in full bloom. It is a neatly-growing evergreen low-growing plant that rarely exceeds a foot tall in the landscape and is even lower when grown in dry shade.

Indigenous to South Africa, this Crassula occurs naturally along forest margins, riparian areas and within coastal vegetation from Mpumulanga (Eastern Transvaal), Natal to the Eastern and southern Cape provinces.

The beautiful petite flowers, which are pink in bud and then open to charming little white stars that are very showy as a spray above the foliage on reddish stems, appear in Winter. 

Read more HERE

Monday, 1 May 2023

Eve's Needle (Looking back)

(Austrocylindropuntia subulata)
Family: Cactaceae (kak-TAY-see-ee)
Genus: Austrocylindropuntia (oss-troh-sil-in-droh-PUN-tee-uh)
Species: subulata (sub-yoo-LAH-tuh)

In February 2014, my dear friend Elizabeth Kendall sent me a tiny piece of this Eve’s Needle through the post. Unknown to us, the Post Office was on strike and after a month of being missing in action, the parcel finally arrived with the poor little Eve’s Needle definitely looking worse for the wear. I immediately prepared a pot with some good soil, ample drainage and carefully transplanted her to her new home. Now, almost 8 months later, she has transformed into a beautiful specimen, standing almost 40cm (15") tall.

Austrocylindropuntia subulata is a large tree-like cactus, up to 13 feet (4 m) tall with round cylindrical joints, up to 2 feet (60 cm) tall and 1.5 – 2.5 inches (4 – 6.5 cm) thick. The green leaves are nearly cylindrical, up to 5 inches (13 cm) long. The spines are light yellow, 1 – 2 per areole, up to 3 inches (8 cm) long. The flowers are red, 2 – 4 inches (5 – 10 cm) long, followed by reddish to red fruits up to 4 inches (10 cm) long.

This plant is suitable for growing indoors or in containers, is drought-tolerant and produces beautiful red blooms. Needs regular watering but be careful not to over-water.

 Eve spent a couple of days under cover as we had a lot of rain over the past two days
Native to the higher elevations of Ecuador and Peru, this plant was originally introduced to South Africa for the biological control of Opuntia ficus-indica, Eve’s Needle has been declared a Category 1 weed in South Africa as it is a great invader. When the plant gets top-heavy, pieces break off and take root where they fall, soon forming a dense wall of cactus killing anything that grows in its path. So I will be very careful to contain Eve in her pot, trimming regularly and keeping an eye out for any fallen leaves, needles or little pieces that might break off.

UPDATE : My Eve's Needle in March 2016, ready to be planted into a suitable spot in the garden where it will be easily controlled so that it doesn't spread as it is regarded as a bit of a pest here in South Africa. I also found this information that The Eve's needle will rarely bloom in cultivation, but when it does, it produces long, coppery red, showy blooms. Its fruit is oblong with small spines.


Wednesday, 26 April 2023

Close friends


Close friends--Dune Aloe and Tradescantia.

Actually, Tradescantia can be friends with ANYBODY or anything! - it has no compunction about climbing up or over on under or through anything, so be careful as to where you plant it. I always say, it actually needs a garden all to itself!

Friday, 21 April 2023

Sweeping your mind

"When you sweep the garden, you are sweeping your mind."

A daily chore, sweeping the garden, as feeding my feathered friends leaves a big mess of left-over seeds and husks. But the Sansevieria (Mother-in-Law's Tongue) doesn't seem to mind all the husks and the Callisia repens is absolutely flourishing! And all the left-over seeds that blow into the garden germinate and come up all over, providing extra sustenance for the birds as they absolutely love all the fresh greenery! So unless you don't mind some "untidy" looking beds, better to feed your birds further away from your prized beds.

A few imperceptible seeds peeking through between the paving.

Sunday, 11 December 2022

Spekboom splendour


Tonight all my Spekbooms (Portulacaria afra) look spectacular after a few days of rain - they actually do much better with more water than less, but they are absolute die-hards and will just go into rest-mode during a severe drought.

And just in case you wondered, these pics were really taken tonight. The iPhone 11 Pro actually has quite a spectacular camera.

This pic was taken this morning through my bedroom blinds, if you look closely, you can see the raindrops on the leaves.

Also known as the elephant bush, porkbush and purslane tree, the ecological significance of this tree is well-known all over the world as it helps to fight climate change and air pollution.

The Spekboom flowers are nectar-rich and provide food for many insects - endangered bees and birds love them! Larvae of the Duadem butterfly also feed on the Portulacaria species.  If you do happen to see this large, green caterpillar on your Spekboom, don't be alarmed. Although it may seem to be harming the plant, it in fact is helping the tree to produce new leaves, similar to what pruning a tree does.


Sunday, 8 May 2022

Waiting for the rain

I never thought I’d be saying, ‘waiting for the rain’ so soon after the massive floods we had here on the Dolphin Coast a mere three or four weeks ago (we had 244mm in less than 23 hours), but if I don’t bring out the hosepipe soon, I’m going to have a very grumpy succulent garden on my hands. Under the Tradescantia (above), the Callisia repens is dry and brittle and I have actually removed huge patches of it (they spread like a wild-fire anyway) to make way for new growth. Provided I water it. All the plants here at the coast are used to regular rain, at least twice a week, so no rain for the past month is not good.

My (new) rain gauge is also waiting patiently, he hasn’t seen a drop since I installed him 3 weeks ago.

The succulents I do have in pots, like the Graptoveria and Sedum above, are easier to water and to keep an eye on and they don’t need that much water anyway.

But I have been coddling my newly-sprouted Leatherleaf Fern (not a succulet, I know, but I have a soft spot for any type of fern, I never had much chance of growing them in Tarlton (Gauteng, South Africa), because of the dry weather and frost-bitten winters there), so if a fern of whatever lineage wants to sprout in my garden, she will have my full cooperation! 

Monday, 2 May 2022

Spekboom, loved by elephants and butterflies alike

Portulacaria afra (also known as elephant bush, dwarf jade plant, porkbush, purslane tree and Spekboom in Afrikaans) is a small-leaved succulent plant indigenous to South Africa. These succulents commonly have a reddish stem and leaves that are green, but a variegated cultivar is also often seen in cultivation. They are simple to care for and make easy houseplants for a sunny location. In frost-free regions they may be used in outdoor landscaping. 💚


Spekboom also make great container plants and already the birds enjoy roosting in the one above as it is near their favourite bathing place. Spekboom is totally edible and widely used in salads. I've often seen the birds taking bits of the leaves. The taste of spekboom leaves are pleasant but changes throughout as the sun rises and sets. During the day leaves have an acid flavour and they become less acidic towards the evening. The delicious greenery is heavily browsed by game and firm favourite of several wild animals, especially elephants! There the English name of Elephant Bush.

I have about 8 Spekboom throughout my garden and this one above ws planted about a year ago as a 12" cutting which I had rooted in a container with water first until it developed roots. But I have found that even just sticking pieces straight into the ground is a successful method of propagation.

The Spekboom is also host to the caterpillar of the Duadem butterfly who lays itsr eggs in a tree or other suitable plants nearby and the caterpillars always seem to head straight for the Spekboom or the White Spotted-leaf Calla Lilies. But no need to worry, they don't do much damage to the Spekboom and although the caterpillars can almost annihilate the Arum leaves, the plant comes back with a vengeance, fuller and bushier and more beautiful than before.

The leaves are used medicinally and in traditional home construction. Here are the most popular traditional and contemporary uses of spekboom leaves:

  • - Sucking a leaf to quench thirst, treat exhaustion, dehydration and heatstroke.
  • - Using crushed leaves to provide relief for blisters.
  • - Chewing leaves can treat a sore throat and mouth infections.
  • - Juiced leaves are used as an antiseptic and to soothe skin ailments such as pimples, rashes, - insect stings and sunburn.
  • - In certain areas, the stems are used to help build huts/homes. The stems are dried and used as thatch for rooves of the huts/homes.
  • - In Mozambique, breastfeeding mothers eat spekboom leaves to increase their milk supply.
  • - During famine, the Zulus eat the leaves raw.
  • (This information from Shamwari Game Reserve)

The spekboom flowers are nectar-rich and provide food for many insects – endangered bees love them! This, in turn, attract insectivorous birds. 

Spekboom can live up to 200 years and these trees can grow as tall as 5 metres.


Tuesday, 29 March 2022

Sansevieria, a feng shui favourite

Mother-in-Law’s Tongue or Sansevieria trifasciata is native to Asia and Africa. Snake plants (Sansevieria) have a number of health benefits. They filter indoor air, remove toxic pollutants, may help boost mental health, are easy to care for, are effective against allergies and may help enhance the “energy” of a space, according to feng shui, therefore they are ideal in the bedroom. 

In the garden they thrive in full sun as well as partial shade and quickly spread through rizomes. They are also great in pots indoors or on the patio.


Sunday, 27 March 2022

Easy-going Graptoveria


If you’re looking for a succulent that’s easy to care for and propagates readily, get hold of a Graptoveria fantome. By propagating leaves, you will never have to buy another one and will soon have enough plants to start a nursery! 

They are truly drought-tolerant, love full sun and will even grow in water!

Saturday, 31 July 2021

My new little patch of Sansevieria


Good morning!

My new little Sansevieria patch. You just gotta love Mother-in-Law’s Tongue!
This is Sansevieria trifasciata (also known as snake plant), native to South Africa, drought-resistent, tolerates low light but this one also just loves the sunlight!

Thursday, 22 July 2021

Just be patient...

Graptoveria 'Fantome'

Since our move from our smallholding in Gauteng (South Africa), I've been relegated to "shelf and pot plant gardening". And that's really not meant to be derogatory, I absolutely LOVE shelves and I LOVE pot plants, but nothing beats a spade and a pair of garden gloves.

But now we've at last settled into our new home and I was thrilled at the prospect of starting a brand new garden from scratch! So at last I'm able to plan and design a space for my succulents and other indigenous plants to my heart's content. I'm also learning about this birds (and the bees) of the area and although many of them are well-known to me, there are so many that I've just never had the chance of meeting. So here's to many hours of planting and learning about everything around me.

These are a few of the succulents I've been propagating over the last months - you just cannot keep a succulent-lover down! Right?

Graptoveria 'Fantome'

Flower of Graptoveria 'Fantome'

Graptoveria 'Fantome'

Callisia repens

I know Swedish Ivy (Plectranthus verticillatus) is not a succulent, but after losing my hanging basket the last winter, I am absolutely thrilled that I have been able to propagate a little piece into growing really well.

Wednesday, 21 July 2021

Winter splendour at the Coast


There are over ±155 Aloe species in our country (South Africa) ranging in size from the large Tree Aloes (Aloidendron) to the attractive little Grass Aloes with the Creeping Aloes (Aloiampelos) in between.

This is the time of year (Winter) when these striking flowers are at their best. Aloes attract a variety of insects and birds, particularly Sunbirds.

Take a moment to watch them.

(The above pics taken at The Quarter, Ballito, KZN)

Found this beautiful Aloe chabaudii on one of our morning walks along the promenade on the Beach (Ballito, KZN)

Found this beautiful Aloe chabaudii on one of our morning walks along the promenade on the Beach (Ballito, KZN)

Found this beautiful Aloe chabaudii on one of our morning walks along the promenade on the Beach (Ballito, KZN)

Aloe just outside Caledon Estate in Ballito, KZN, South Africa 

Aloes just outside Caledon Estate in Ballito, KZN, South Africa  

The flowers of Aloe marlothii attract a plethora of insects and birds, supplying much-needed sustenance in the cold winter months

Aloe arborescense - Ballito, KZN

Aloe arborescense - Ballito, KZN

One of my all-time facourites is Aloe ferox, a true gift from nature. It's not really found at the coast, but I just have to include it here. The world over, users revere aloe ferox for it’s numerous properties. The bitter sap contains powerful anti-oxidant properties – an ancient source of a modern cosmetic buzzword. Healing, detoxifying, anti-inflammatory, Anti Bacterial, Anti-Viral and Anti-Parasitic – and those are only a few ways in which Aloe Ferox helps in maintaining personal wellness. It is an important life-line for insects and birds in winter, supplying much-needed sustenance in the cold months.

For centuries indigenous healers have treated man and beast successfully with aloe preparations. In Xhosa culture here in South Africa, it is applied to fresh and inflamed wounds to encourage healing and is a known cure for ring-worm and tapeworm, boils and ulcers. Aloe is used to treat enteritis in calves and fowls, as well as roundworm in the Zulu culture, while the Pondo mix aloe juice and water for a refreshing body wash. An extract, bitters, is ingested to help with detoxification, as well as gout, rheumatism and arthritis, stomach and digestive ailments.

Other recorded uses include: insect bites and bluebottle stings, fungi, toothache, sunburn, as protection against the elements and to stimulate the immune system, to name a few.

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